Works Cited
Database (Accessible if subscribed to database)
Fink, Z.S. “Political Theory in Gulliver’s Travels.” ELH 14.2 (1947): 151-161. Print.
Halewood, William “Gulliver’s Travels I, vi.” ELH 33 (1966): 422-433. JSTOR. Print
Kelly, Ann Cline. “Gulliver as Pet and Pet Keeper.” ELH 74 (2007): 323-329. Print.
Rabb, Melinda. “The Secret Memoirs of Lemuel Gulliver: Stire, Secrecy, and Swift” ELH 73.2 (2006): 325-354. Print
Williams, Kathleen M. “Gulliver’s Voyage to the Houyhnhnms.” ELH 18.4 (275-286). Print.
On-line Sources (Cited in Content)
“Laputa.” All Experts Encyclopedia. About Inc. AllExperts, 2006 <>.
McNeil, Russell. “Jonathan Swift’s Voyage to Laputa.” Malaspina Great Books. 7 April 1998
Swift, Jonathan Gulliver’s Travels. Oxford,NY Ch. 6 pg 2. Enotes. 22 July 2009 <
Additional References
Jaffe, Lee. “Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World” Jaffe Bros. 10 Dec 2005.
Keefer, Sarah L. "Houyhnhnms on Malacandra: C.S. Lewis and Jonathan Swift." Questia. Questia Media America,
Inc., 1994. Web. 22 July 2009. <;jsessionid=KnbGttb1t7bltvs5NqNn0
Mohler, Nora and Nicolson, Marjoire. “The Scientific Background of Swift's Voyage to Laputa.”Annalen Sciences
Vol. 2. 1997. Visontay György. 20 July 2009 <
Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver’s Travels. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.
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